Whiplash is a common result of a car accident and it happens when the head jolts suddenly during a collision. Whiplash can cause mild to severe pain and in some cases, it may even cause the victim to be unfit to carry out their usual tasks at work. Mild whiplash may result in headaches and sometimes neck pain, while severe whiplash can cause dizziness and blurred vision. If you have suffered whiplash you will know how excruciating the pain can be and this is why you should put preventative measures in place to reduce your risk of having to endure this pain in the future. There are several mechanisms you can put in place to do this so you don’t end up on the list of average claims whiplash.

Reliable Car

A reliable car will significantly reduce your chances of suffering from whiplash in the future. Prior to making your purchase, it would be worthwhile to read up on reviews of different cars and the ratio of crashes. Ask around at car dealerships for the safest choice of vehicle. It is also a good idea to take the car on a test drive to ensure you feel comfortable driving it. Everyone’s needs are different when it comes to driving, so you need to make a choice which suits you best.

Head Restraint

Not only will you need a head restraint in your car, it will also have to be adjusted to suit the height of the driver/passenger and to ensure it is close enough to the body. A head restraint which is perfectly fitted will reduce the movement in the head, which will help prevent the jerking which leads to whiplash. You should invest in a decent head restraint for yourself and any passengers in the vehicle.

Safety Devices

There are plenty of safety devices at our fingertips these days, which can be used for the purpose of keeping us safe in our vehicles. These include seat belts, which should be worn at all times and airbags. It is worth investing in these preventative measures as these can save you from a lot of pain in the future. All vehicles will be fitted with seat belts but only some will have air bags. It is worth finding this out and fitting these if they are not already available. The costs of safety devices are well worth the potential benefits, even saving lives in some cases.

Drive Safely

The most important way to avoid any injuries, including whiplash are to ensure you drive safely at all times. This includes sticking to the speed limit, refraining from alcohol before driving and avoiding reckless driving. The safer you are behind the wheel, the less likely the risk of any kind of accident or injury. If you can combine safe driving with safety devices, a good quality car and head restraint, you should significantly reduce the chances of suffering whiplash. Whiplash may not be as severe as some other injuries, but it can still be very painful.