One Little Victory » Parenting “…the greatest act can be one little victory…” Wed, 23 Sep 2015 07:54:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Workout Routines for New Moms Mon, 18 May 2015 16:24:48 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> It’s only been a few weeks after you delivered that precious bundle of life and you are itching to get back into your pre-baby body. However, you can’t just jump into the gym and start pumping iron – your body needs time to recover from having carried a child for nine months. Below are some workout routines that help new mom’s get their pre-baby body back.

Core Building Exercises

For new moms, we recommend focusing on routines that exclusively focus attention on your core. After your doctor releases you from the recovery process of having a child, we recommend you start out slow. Don’t just jump into something like Ab Ripper X, or another intense ab routine. Your entire core needs attention, and that includes all the other muscles surrounding your abdominal area.

 New Moms

  • Sumo Deadlifts

If you are familiar working out with kettlebells, you will probably know why we recommend this exercise. This activity engages the entire core area, such as your hips, abs, and lower back, in addition to your glutes and hamstrings. Keeping your back straight, while using your hips to drive the movement. Sumos are performed with compressed breathing to help further engage your core, as this activity when done, creates muscular tension in your abdominal frame to help tighten and strengthen them after pregnancy. Work your way up to using a light kettlebell in order to add resistance to the movement.

  • Goblet Squats

This is another exercise you can perform with a kettlebell, and it too engages your core muscles while you perform the activity. Like the sumo deadlift, it requires you to keep your back straight as your hips drive movement, and is performed with compressed breathing. Your hands will be out in front of you for balance, and if you are performing the activity with a light kettlebell, you will be holding the weight slightly out in front of your chest with your arms bent so that your elbows touch your knees at the bottom of the movement.

  • Planks

We recommend starting this activity on your knees rather than supporting your entire weight on your feet while in push up position; keep your back straight and butt flat. The activity is performed with tension throughout the movement to engage the core, and we also recommend compressed breathing to recruit your core muscle tissue. As you grow stronger you can then perform the activity with your feet supporting your body.

These are just a few of the exercises you ca do in order to regain your core strength, tighten your tummy, and get your body back to its pre-baby condition. If you want to learn more about what you can do to help you get your core back in shape after having your new baby, we recommend paying a visit to They offer a variety of low-impact activities for new moms to get back in shape, and can help you in other areas such as nutrition, time management, and motivation.

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The rights of grandparents and grandchildren Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:10:15 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> Grandparents play a role important in the transmission of values ​​and family bonding, since the family is not reduced to the parent-child relationships, basic unit, but the entire body of family relationships that can be established uncles, nephews, cousins, grandchildren … It’s really sad to hear testimony from grandparents to not let them see their grandchildren, especially when previously have been with them for a close treatment and loving.

parentingGrandparents have rights

A few days ago we got a moving mail from a grandmother, a grandmother who could not exercise so that their children not allowed to see his granddaughter, so I just thought it or listen to mourn helplessly, unable to come to embrace, nor even speak it. We wonder how this is possible, but unfortunately is not an isolated case.

Despite that grandparents are key pieces in the integration of family life because they try to maintain, sustain and strengthen family unity among all members, and also, in many cases falls on them the arduous task of caring for their grandchildren (with dedication and tenderness) while their parents work , are private, in some cases, affective ties with their grandchildren deserve.

Although this situation is rare, there are many reasons that can generate this tragic and painful situation, one and the most common processes can occur in divorce, separation or nullity of marriage of the parents. Grandparents in these cases, why they resign, are entitled to apply to the courts the right to visits and communication with their grandchildren, despite the refusal of parents.

The current Civil Code expressly recognizes that can not be prevented without cause personal relationships of the child with his grandparents and other relatives and friends’. Personal relationships will undoubtedly be difficult or undesirable, but we must avoid at all costs employ children as currency or weapon to harm others who also want them and can enrich their lives. Many times, we must seek harmony in difficult situations and stand firm in the sense that our child will not suffer for our wrong decisions. At the end of the day, are our children and we love them for it, but in any case we belong, but possess rightfully his guardianship.

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How to educate your child to a happy life Fri, 20 Mar 2015 10:53:37 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> Educating parents set the course for the entire life of their children. Faced with such a responsibility, it is our duty to educate them to a happy life, based on some bases we see in this note.

FamilyBases to teach your child to be happy

There are phrases of mother, father and grandparents who accompany us throughout life. We encourage, encourage and give us a caress the soul every time we think of them as “You can accomplish anything you set your mind” or “you’re great”. And there are many more who, repeated like mantras, can impact the best possible way in the life of your child.

Learning from mistakes

Errors and mistakes are opportunities to learn and improve. You must not scold your child if you make a small mistake or has a minor accident, like spilling the drink on the table or soil your clothing. Explain the best way to handle the pitcher or the brush, and say that mistakes happen, and the important thing is to learn from them not to commit them again. This will foster their learning, and also reaffirm the confidence you have placed in him or her.

Love Yourself

It is one of the most important concepts in life: to understand that, if you do not love yourself, put difficult stage for others to love you fully . And the best way to explain it to your children is to love them, pointing out their strengths constantly, clapping each one of those things that make them different from others, special and unique.

You can add another concept for other major life of each person that everyone is different, the differences are precisely what constitutes our humanity, and should not be ashamed or feel slighted by being different from the rest. This concept reborn in the age of puberty, at the comparison with his friends, and also create a great notion to form a generation of self-love and mutual acceptance and tolerance.

Be responsible for the mistakes and successes

Teach your children to take credit for their successes, humility is valued by others, especially to his adult age. But so is teaching young to take responsibility for their mistakes. Instead of scolding and shouting, tries to explain to your children the value of honesty, Apology, taking charge of one’s actions beyond the result.

Always go one step further

Here the example is the technique most valuable lesson always give a little more. While you’re tired, jaded, although you have accomplished your goal, teaches by example to always do a little more, to do their best at every task. Children who see these actions on their parents, uncles, older brothers and all his environment, tend to repeat it. It goes without saying that this will create a mindset that will allow you to excel in every aspect of his life, childhood, youth and adulthood, passing the knowledge on to their own children when the time comes.

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