One Little Victory » How to Know “…the greatest act can be one little victory…” Wed, 23 Sep 2015 07:54:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to know if you can work out what you are passionate about Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:53:17 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> How to know if you can work out what you are passionate about? Doing what we like is a dream, but if it becomes a profession it may not be so. Questions to find out.

Would you like to work for your passion?

Not everyone has clear whether can work their passions. Many people know what your passion is, but doubt whether it would be feasible to live, or whether it would be better to remain a hobby. It is an interesting situation because, although many think so, your passion must not be your profession. It can be, but need not be. It’s your choice.

JobsBut the question may arise you is, do you know if I can live my passion, or if I want to live it or not ?. And that one thing is that you like and quite another to become your profession.

There are cases of people who chose not to engage professionally to their passion because they were not willing to accept the sacrifices that it entailed. Each person is different. The question is how can you know how to make that decision ?

Questions to see if you can work on what you like

There are two questions you need to consider:

1. Do you really love so much as to devote every day?

Because sometimes something you are passionate about, but if you think about dedicating yourself to it every day for several hours you realize that you do not feel much. That’s a sign that then it is better to stay as a hobby. Do you see yourself working every day of what you like?

If not, you have your answer.

Now imagine that you say yes, of course, is your passion and you never get tired. Perfect, then we turn to the second question:

2. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it your profession?

Because one thing is to do what you like and do other things other leads have a business or profession. And is that to make your passion your profession will always be parts you do not like and make sacrifices (of time, money or effort), it is part of the “package”.

To see if you will like to work what you love, responds: are you willing to do what you have to do? And this is key. Not everyone is willing and well, there are other options. What do you want? To live your passion at any cost? Or maybe a quieter life style and your passion as a hobby ?

There is no right or wrong answer, it is important that your passion is in your life in some way. You choose how that is.

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How to know the city on a Business Trip Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:57:17 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> While traveling on business, you can get some time to explore the city. The question is to organize the agenda and follow these tips.

Knowing the city for a business trip

It is true that during a business trip is not too much free time to explore the city between meetings. However, there is a time that some call “dead”, where the offices are closed, congresses and meetings are ending for the day.

TravelBusiness Travel: How to organize the agenda to know the city

If you have a working meeting at 10 am and another at 3 in the afternoon, what do you do in the time between the two? Well, you have several alternatives. One can be on work for what follows, but is also another interesting stay and enjoy the nearby attractions of the destination.

It should be well organized and to consider certain factors when deciding where to go to meet its obligations, and at the same time fun great in an unknown city or visit worthwhile.

As a first step, prior planning is necessary. Not the same a week at this site and have a congress that takes all day to go for two days and have one meeting. So first of all you schedule your professional events.

A good idea to keep a diary or planner with schedules where they can record the activities. It is true that some of them can be extended or reduced, however, you should know approximately how long it takes you meet each.

Furthermore, in business “time is money” and if you have said that the meeting will be from 10 to 11, do not expect much more than extend it unless necessary schedule an appointment to close a new contract or present certain documentation.

Then, once you have defined the activities in each time slot, it is time to analyze what that destination has to offer. That would be the second step to explore the city between business meetings.

Tips for visiting the city on a business trip

In most cases, labor meetings are held in a large city and offices are in the center, where perhaps many tourist attractions are located. That is great news for you if you want to visit at least highlight. On the Internet you can get small guides of the city in particular, based on the days that you have available or in order of priority, between what is necessary and you can miss, at least this once.

It is good to know the times when these attractions are open. Remember it is not the same as high season low, and there are some days of the week are closed. Another issue to consider is will surely be with the few minutes, so you can not “afford” to wait in line to get a ticket or get into a museum.

But do not worry, because it also has a solution. In theaters, historic buildings, museums and monuments whose income is paid, tickets are available online. In some cases, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, so you can specify the schedule of the visit (a time slot in which you will go up). This is great for you if you want to tour the city in the middle of business meetings.

An interesting recommendation is that you write down on the agenda, with a different color, which want to conduct tourism activities and the time it will take you. Please attach maps, plans, tickets and receipts.

Transportation and transit can be your allies or your worst enemy when you’re against the clock. If you do not know the city well and have fear of losing and being late everywhere, see right from the moment arribas. The subway is the most recommended because it has jamming problems, but can also be a nightmare if you do not know the combinations right.

And finally, if you want to tour the city during a business trip, try to do activities within no more than 20 blocks. Thus, if you’ve stayed longer admiring a painting or a landscape, you’ll get faster to the next meeting. Hours Lunch and dinner can also be an excellent time to visit sites like best (there will always be a cafe or bar around a large square or near a monument).

As you can see, you need to visit the city between business meetings is the organization and prior planning. Do not hesitate to do some research on where you, you arrive early. Make every minute of your stay is easier than you think.

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How to Know What’s Your Mission in Life Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:04:38 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> Understand your mission in life also allow you a much happier existence, dedicated, consistent with that goal that fate, God or the universe have marked for you.

Our mission in life is why we came to the world to do, what we must accomplish in order to evolve

How to Know What’s Your Mission in Life

Go figure out the complicated question: our mission in life. That we came to the world to do, that we must achieve in order to evolve in later life, whether you believe in reincarnation or eternal life in paradise.

CareerUnderstand your mission in life (that you came to do), it will also allow you a much happier existence, dedicated, consistent with that goal that fate, God or the universe have marked for you. There is no scientific formula to tell, but there are simple exercises that you can implement to get closer to the goal.

Your mission in life according to your own self

We all have some special skill. That gift, so that the mere act of doing so, it puts a big smile on his face. It can be work, art, whatever. One of the ways to know your mission in life is to meet you, to know what it is that both enjoy doing, what you’re exceptional. Perhaps you have angelic voice to sing, and your mission is to bring happiness to others in singing. As big rock star like voice teacher, therapist as a companion for the elderly, the sick, children in deprived areas. Maybe you love to cook and have a knack for it. Perhaps you have a unique ability to teach, or perhaps for research.

Think about what gives you so much satisfaction in that particular skill you have, and then walking that road to investigate what the specific act that describes your mission in life. You can avail yourself of meditation, visualization or just an analysis of your own self to know, opening the mind and heart to a discovery that may surprise you much.

Your mission as your guardian angel

At birth, we come into the world with two guardian angels, two manifestations of these entities and protection company. Knowing also can help us know what our mission in this world. On one hand, we have our naughty angel, which puts us in action and motivates us to continue along our spiritual path, avoiding obstacles without dropping our strength. On the other hand, we have the subtle angel, which is what keeps us in touch with the whole, with spirituality and emotion. This angel is what inspires us, about our life we ​​need people there to learn from them as well as give and receive.

To ask your two angels will come to the knowledge of your mission in life can meditate or pray. Light a white candle and sit comfortably in the pose you want. Breathe deeply, relax and open your mind and your heart. Ask your angels doing to help yourself these questions: “What are the 10 things I like to do in life?” and “if you need not work or meet obligations, what would devote all the hours of my life?”. Responses are much related to self-knowledge, but this time you’re letting guided by your angels. Answer loud, in your mind or by writing on paper. You will see that the answer is there before your eyes.

Your mission in life according to numerology

Numerology also proposes a formula to know what your mission is, by treating the numbers of your life (eg, birth date). This information will let you know closer to what your great inclination, your mission. To make this approach you need to add the numbers of your day, month and year of birth, two values ​​for day and month, and four for the year.

Suppose you were born on August 4, 1986, then the formula is described as “0 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6”, which gives a result of 36. Now we need to get a value from 1 to 9 we again add the two digits: 3 + 6 = 9. This number is 9.

1. Persons Number 1 should explore the creative side, humility, innovation processes and objects, are encouraged to travel the roads of the arts (drawing, especially), architecture, design, publishing The invention, advertising, production (TV, film, theater) and dancing. From there, you must go your own way to meet your mission: an architect can design homes that will improve the conditions of the world’s population with less, for example.

2. Number two find their mission in life careers as negotiation, business leadership and working groups, law, psychology and psychiatry, journalism, letters, literature, photography, communication, philosophy, and diplomacy.

3. Number 3 is inclined towards artistic expression such as acting, singing, animation, mime, composition works, the press, cinema, media, humor, gastronomy, public relations, hospitality and event management.

4. People with No. 4 lean towards the tasks of logic and discipline, such as numbers and money management, accountancy, banking, investments, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, business administration, agents of the Exchange, insurance or otherwise, also engineering, architecture, design, mining, construction, real estate, jewelry, watches, computer, mechanical, and electrical.

5. Number 5 looking for versatility, overcome fears and organize activities such as teaching and education, decoration, design, instruction, fitness (such as physical education teachers, aerobics and other sports), fine arts and physical expression (action, education or criticism), travel agent, flight attendant or community care staff, and other mass media.

6. The 6 tend towards social work to fulfill their mission in life, how well the management work and teaching ,, high responsibility, human resources, arbitration, mediation, counseling and coaching, psychiatry, psychology, psycho motor and psychology.

7. A person whose birth number 7 results are leadership, political (social, business, spiritual), the sell, promotion, business management, unions or groups, judge, social communicator and other charges.

8. 8 are suitable for handling of goods and money, as bankers, corporate lawyers, business consultants, and also the area of ​​health: medicine, nursing, nutrition, dentistry, psychology, health and research worldwide of alternative medicine.

9. The number 9 aim at the common good in actions such as welfare, organization, education, philanthropy, literature, law, communication and leading groups.

These numbers are not absolute truth but a hint to help you discover your life mission. Apply these techniques and think about what you love to do, that is the key to knowing what you came into this world.

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