One Little Victory » Jobs “…the greatest act can be one little victory…” Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:05:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to know if you can work out what you are passionate about Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:53:17 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> How to know if you can work out what you are passionate about? Doing what we like is a dream, but if it becomes a profession it may not be so. Questions to find out.

Would you like to work for your passion?

Not everyone has clear whether can work their passions. Many people know what your passion is, but doubt whether it would be feasible to live, or whether it would be better to remain a hobby. It is an interesting situation because, although many think so, your passion must not be your profession. It can be, but need not be. It’s your choice.

JobsBut the question may arise you is, do you know if I can live my passion, or if I want to live it or not ?. And that one thing is that you like and quite another to become your profession.

There are cases of people who chose not to engage professionally to their passion because they were not willing to accept the sacrifices that it entailed. Each person is different. The question is how can you know how to make that decision ?

Questions to see if you can work on what you like

There are two questions you need to consider:

1. Do you really love so much as to devote every day?

Because sometimes something you are passionate about, but if you think about dedicating yourself to it every day for several hours you realize that you do not feel much. That’s a sign that then it is better to stay as a hobby. Do you see yourself working every day of what you like?

If not, you have your answer.

Now imagine that you say yes, of course, is your passion and you never get tired. Perfect, then we turn to the second question:

2. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it your profession?

Because one thing is to do what you like and do other things other leads have a business or profession. And is that to make your passion your profession will always be parts you do not like and make sacrifices (of time, money or effort), it is part of the “package”.

To see if you will like to work what you love, responds: are you willing to do what you have to do? And this is key. Not everyone is willing and well, there are other options. What do you want? To live your passion at any cost? Or maybe a quieter life style and your passion as a hobby ?

There is no right or wrong answer, it is important that your passion is in your life in some way. You choose how that is.

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Making Telework Mon, 01 Jun 2015 11:31:24 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> Make telecommuting has become a widely used by businesses. If you want to delve into this world, you have six keys that you keep in mind to succeed.

Telecommuting Features

Those wishing to make telecommuting not have to search the publications deals with that name, since in most cases employers ask translators, programmers, designers and administrative, with the proviso that they must perform certain tasks at home.

JobsThe Formal telework, to put it one way, is that comprising an employment relationship where the employer pays a salary and make employee contributions. But there is another type of telework where the person is autonomous, i.e. that is responsible for paying medical service, for example. Perhaps an employee has started with a “normal” job and then has been offered the possibility of working from home. Or, you already know what the rules are in that company and accepted.

Most multinationals encourage their employees to do telecommuting, and who have studied the matter and often have excellent results. But beware, this methodology job is not for everyone, as some may have serious drawbacks to focus on their tasks without thinking they are at home.

To telework independently also apply the same standards, although in that case there is no boss telling you what to do, when and how. Customers can get to make teleworking receive your services as you have previously agreed. In either case, the knowledge necessary to become teleworkers are those derived from the use of computer and Internet; also can be spreadsheets, information search, data collection, communications, etc.

Tips for telecommuting

Make telecommuting, or as is said elsewhere, “remotely”, is something that is being implemented increasingly in the business world. No doubt that this mode has revolutionized the way to get and keep a job. However, for some people to work from home can be a tedious due to the closure, or not be able to talk with colleagues. It is also true that there are many benefits: not having to travel or go to the office, save on meals purchased and not think about how to dress to go to work, have more freedom, be in a more comfortable environment when it’s cold or raining, etc .

To bad habits or lack of experience not sabotage this opportunity to work from home , check out the following tips to make teleworking :

1. Keep the routine

Although you do not head to the office, get up at the same time. You can take advantage of quiet family breakfast in the time it would take you to get to work. If only some days you stay at home, do not change the schedule of the Clock, takes advantage of those extra minutes or hours.

Follow your routine as usual, so you can focus on your work and not feel that you’re on vacation. It has only changed the working scenario, but not your obligations. It is tempting to stay in bed a little longer, but that’s not recommended. Better if you do that you never have time, like walking a bit in the morning.

2. Create a workspace

By working from home, interruptions or distractions can be greater than in the office. If you have the possibility to set up a kind of office other than the living room or better.

If you use a laptop, take the opportunity to go to the patio or balcony. If you have no choice and do the telework in a common area with the rest of your family, try not to turn on the television. In some cases, you can use a curtain or something that separates you from the others so that they also know you’re busy.

3. Do not get distracted with chores

By doing telework is a great temptation to build on that day at home to clean, sort, shopping, etc. However, all this will only serve to make you be late on your obligations.

Therefore, the third of the tips for teleworking is first complete assigned tasks and then move to the housework.

4. Always respect the agenda when teleworking

You need to be very organized to telework. If necessary, purchase an organizer or use one PC. Make a list of tasks that are priority and that will take longer. Determines the order of your activities, taking into account how much you need to fulfill.

5. Explain to others who are working

Your family or your friends may think that because you are not in the office is a day off. Therefore, explain clearly what telework is and you can not do other activities in the meantime. Be very clear on this point, society is still not 100% ready to understand that the use of the computer at home is not only synonymous with entertainment.

6. Take advantage of technology

One of the advantages of telecommuting is that you can use technology to your advantage. You will be connected with anyone remotely, you can make conference, chat, email and use online programs, in most cases, free, to share information. Participates in such a way that your boss or employer realize that you are working and not watching television, for example.

And finally, to do telework recalls that self discipline is more important if you want to succeed in the field or not lose this opportunity in your job.

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What if your salary is not enough? Wed, 01 Apr 2015 11:20:07 +0000 Continue Reading →]]> Some believe that the effort we make our salary is not enough, sometimes it is wasted. Discusses what to do if your salary does not reach you.

What to Do When Salary not Reach?

Often we consider that the effort we make and our level of involvement, our salary is not enough. Moreover, we tend to compare ourselves with other companions, or salaries of other companies to see how the labor market.

SalaryAll this, plus the fact that sometimes our level of expenditure is higher than expected, do we need to reflect on our revenues.

Really cobras little?

Be objective about your salary is critical for your personal stability . When we think that the amount we pay is below what we deserve, we fall into discouragement and despair, and this is very harmful to us.

If your salary is not enough for you, make a study of payments for your professional category, talk to colleagues in other companies and ask how much they charge, look offers job search portals … It is important to know “real” if your salary is enough. Also, you have to keep in mind that the same conditions are some multinational companies that pay even above 20% more than others.

When your salary is not enough

If the conclusion is that your salary is in line with the market and still you do not get to make ends meet, the problem is yours and not the company. It would not be professional because you have not balanced your expenses and income, you lower your performance and go grumbling down the aisles.

If your salary does not reach, open a worksheet in Excel and pointing all your fixed monthly expenses, and your income. Learn how much money is left each month for your additional expenses and Adapt to save if you do not get at least finish the month with the same money in the account that you were the last day of the previous month. And if there is nothing in spending money, do not buy!

What to do if your salary is very low

If the conclusion is that really your salary is below the market can not stay without doing anything, that would lower your self-esteem and job satisfaction. Plan your request to upload your strengths considering the circumstances of the company, and looking for the best.

Sometimes we run into a wall of incomprehension, with illiquid companies or some who do not understand the importance of that staff are motivated. In such cases, assess seeking new job in another company, ensuring that there will be commensurate salary yes or above average labor market.

It is important to know whether what we receive is within the margins of the labor market to assess whether they are receiving adequate salary, or if instead, we need to ask for a raise. When after negotiation ‘well done’ we fail to equate our salary to the market, assess whether change company. Sometimes, if the salary does not reach but is in line with the market, we must balance income and expenditure.

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