In a stunning and historic admission, former President George W. Bush is to disclose in forthcoming memoirs that the invasion of Iraq was conceived by his administration as an intentional misleading of the American people into war.

According to one passage:

“Everyone in the room… that is, Cheney, Karl, Dick (Rumsfeld), and Paul all knew that the intelligence we had on weapons of mass destruction was bogus, but we knew we had this one opportunity to correct the mistake of a decade before. We wanted Saddam gone and we knew that we could sell our position through this evidence and with relentless diplomatic pressure. The Iraqis were stuck between a rock and a hard place. They either had to admit that they didn’t possess any such weapons, which would have taken away from all their blustering and posturing, or else they had to produce some limited chemical stockpiles, which would have given us all of the leverage.”

Bush also indicates in his memoirs that his decision to reveal this information comes now after recent Department of Justice decisions under the Obama administration that left Bush with the strong impression that the Democrats have little desire to re-open wounds from Iraq and undermine the strong U.S. presence in Iraq. According to Bush:

“Dick (Cheney) got chided for saying that we would be greeted as liberators, and for the first week it looked like we would prove everyone wrong. But then as the effort dragged on, it was apparent that we had kidded ourselves about that idea (being greeted as liberators). But now, all these years later, we see that my Administration’s policies worked. Sure, we lied to go in there, and we made up reasons for going into Iraq for years after the invasion, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It all turned out very well, and all these years later we are in fact seen as liberators.”

OK, OLV readers…. if you’ve made it this far in the article, you might have a good idea of what’s coming next…


…as if the members of the Bush Administration will ever admit they did ANYTHING wrong…. ever…

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