This is the Insomniac Edition of OLV tonight, so we will just jump straight to the Wicked tonight. Our nominees tonight:

William Gheen

You know that the Tea Party represents the lunatic wing of the wingnut fringe when they eat their own, as they have been doing so often of late. But William Gheen has taken this to a whole new level. In addition to using the podium to prove that is an overt racist, Gheen also took the time to accuse Senator Lindsey Graham of being gay… you know, the greatest possible sin among wingnuts.

As noted on Huff Post:

William Gheen, head of the conservative, anti-”amnesty,” anti-illegal immigration group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this weekend and called for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to “come out of that log cabin closet.”

According to Gheen, being gay is “a secret that Lindsey Graham has.”

Gheen told the crowd: “I hope this secret isn’t being used as leverage over Senator Graham, so today I think Senator Graham, you need to come forward and tell people about your alternative lifestyle and your homosexuality.”

read the entire article at The Huffington Post

Here’s the clip… the bit on Graham starts at 6:22. Also, catch the “shut up, Bill Clinton bit prior to that…. this guy is a buffoon.

The entire State of Arizona

Soon to join the southeastern U.S. in wingnut fever, Arizona has seen a strange week. The state legislature has passed an immigration bill that encourages racial profiling, John “Country First” McCain has defended racial profiling on the basis that illegal immigrants are intentionally causing freeway accidents (what?), and the Arizona legislature overplayed its authority by requiring national candidates to physically produce a birth certificate in order to be placed on the ballot, thereby demonstrating that the ignorant “birther” movement is still alive and well, and on the public payroll.

Kazim Sadeghi

It’s actually a relief to know that Iranian wingnuts are at least as irrational as those in the Tea Party. According to an Iranian cleric, female promiscuity is the cause of Iran’s frequent earthquakes.

The prayer leader, Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi, says women and girls who “don’t dress appropriately” spread “promiscuity in society.”

“When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase,” he says in a video posted Monday on YouTube, apparently of him leading Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, last week.

“There is no way other than taking refuge in religion and adapting ourselves to Islamic behavior,” he adds in the video.

Read the entire article on CNN

So… just one question here. If this is the case, why hasn’t the spread of Hooters’ restaurants resulted in the entire U.S. being sucked into the middle of the earth?

But our winner tonight…

Glenn Beck

Just watch this “Worst Person’s” segment from Countdown tonight. Beck apparently now things he is in direct personal contact with God, and the more he speaks, the more I become convinced that he has lost all touch with reality. This is just a surreal clip. Maybe he’s just planning for his next career after Jack Van Impe finally retires. In any event, just remember to keep buying from Goldline.

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