Confronting Wingnuttery, Volume I

Confronting Wingnuttery, Volume I

How many straws can rest atop a camel’s back before it breaks?
That’s the question that spurs this entry. I routinely receive mounds of junk e-mail from conservative causes, mostly because I am looking for the shred of truth in whatever arguments are being made on various issues. While my search is typically in vain, at [...]

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Wednesday Funnies, more or less

Wednesday Funnies, more or less

Jon Stewart slams Fox News
Jon Stewart and Fox News have been trading jabs all week over Stewart’s “go fuck yourselves” comment made on the air. Fox struck back while trying to maintain the high ground, slamming Stewart for not challenging his own bias. Stewart (below) does  a great job of reminding Fox on the difference [...]

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A political must read for all reasonable people...

A political must read for all reasonable people…

I have a number of Republican friends who consider themselves reasonable people, and for whom I believe that is an accurate assessment. These are people of good conscience, who work hard and are as concerned with their future, the future of their children and of America as I am. I consider these people to be [...]

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Is America yearning for Fascism?

Is America yearning for Fascism?

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” – Sinclair Lewis
Now here’s a nice, light question to start your day with. But it is a relevant one.
Below is an article from Chris Hedges. Hedges is someone I consider to be far more left-wing than I am, and [...]

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Bill Maher on Democrats and Health Care (March 26, 2010)

Bill Maher on Democrats and Health Care (March 26, 2010)

The is one of Bill Maher’s best rants in a long time… no one is spared – Democrats, Republicans, cheating golfers or other  celebrities. But his point on the Democrats saving their “brand” through health care reform is accurate, and as Maher notes  this should now embolden them to move forward with the rest of [...]

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How Long Can GOP Leaders Ignore Tea Party Death Threats? (Truthdig)

How Long Can GOP Leaders Ignore Tea Party Death Threats? (Truthdig)

Below is an article by one of my favorite current events writers, Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene Robinson from the Washington Post. I think it is apparent to people on both sides of the political spectrum that the current environment surrounding political debate has been poisoned by incivility, death threats, bricks through windows, and other acts [...]

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The difference between Liberal and Progressive (Truthdig)

The difference between Liberal and Progressive (Truthdig)

Here is a very thoughtful piece by David Sirota on the difference between liberalism and progressivism, which to me is right on the mark. Of course since it is a thoughtful piece that would aid anyone in understanding the difference, I won’t expect wingnuts to read it – understanding isn’t exactly at the top of [...]

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One influential Republican tells the truth... repeatedly.. and gets fired

One influential Republican tells the truth… repeatedly.. and gets fired

David Frum is the former Bush aide who coined the term “Axis of Evil” as a precursor to preemptive war. Now, this very influential Republican – because he dared to demonstrate that he has is thoughtful and pragmatic about the strategies of the Republican Party – has been fired from his position with the conservative [...]

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The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species (Truthdig)

The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species (Truthdig)

By Robert Scheer
Boy, the Republicans know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick? Or block the provision that allows you to keep your out-of-work kids on your policy until they are 26? Whatever the failings [...]

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