We got some great tips and advice here! It is possible if you know where to look to really find some special homes to stay in the best most amazing locations and all for a much better rate than hotels. It’s not even a secret, like a special hotel chain, or a coupon code for a website. We are talking about short-stay vacation apartment rentals.

TravelThe advantage and issues when renting a holiday apartment is that you get to do everything yourself. You may need to search the web for your ideal accommodation, contact the owner for check in details but for a independent person who in money minded this is the best way to go. Not only do you get more for your funds, in awesome accommodations, you often get a much better sense of living like a local in that location. That not to mention the benefit of seeing some of these amazing apartments with balconies and high tall ceilings.

And now with the internet, it is so much easier to find and book your apartment with sites like City Centre Retreat having a large variety of great valued places.

City Centre Retreat has a wide selection of holiday properties of any site on the web, covering everything from major urban areas like London and Barcelona to quiet countryside retreats. City Centre Retreat also recently began to note properties/owners that accept credit cards, meaning you can leave a deposit or pay in advance for many properties without the hassle of sending cash. Each listing offers a series of pictures of the apartment along with its amenities and anticipated price per night or week. Considering a multitude of good experiences we’ve had with the site in countries from Spain to Italy to Netherland and the UK, we would have to recommend the site’s enthusiastic and friendly property owners as one of the biggest advantages.