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Let’s kick off our current events post on the subject of health care. More accurately, the hatred and vitriol surrounding the health care debate. As Keith Olbermann points out in this Special Comment, the Republicans are truly a party in denial. Exactly when did majority rule become totalitarian? Exactly when did it become acceptable for members of the minority party (or majority party for that matter) to shout “Baby Killer” or “You Lie” on the floor of Congress?

Olbermann reminds Republicans (if they are bothering to listen) that in the past several years their party has lost control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. The Republican Party, which once contained moderates and reasonable people, is now championed by the Tea Party Movement, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter and a host of other empty, conscienceless vessels who espouse racism, homophobia, and general hatred towards anyone that dares not to agree with their views. These people demonstrate their hatred for America by showing contempt for the process of dialogue and debate that this great nation was founded upon. These people demonstrate their ignorance by yelling “nigger” at African American congressmen and yelling “faggot” at Barney Frank. And these people demonstrate their emptiness by the lack of constructive proposals put forth during the debate of an issue as important as health care. The Republican position? Oppose everything, even if they previously supported something. Offer nothing in return, other than to demand that the Democrats ignore the 2008 election results. And when these tactics don’t work, yell louder and insist that the Democrats are ignoring or defying our democracy. It is sickening.

I am no Democrat. I consider myself an Independent Progressive who believes that even the Democratic party has sold out to corporations and special interests. And some of the behavior by Democrats during this debate (yes Mr. Stupak and Ms. Lincoln, I mean you) acted nearly as despicably as their Republican counterparts. But even on their worst days during this debate, the Democrats never acted as disgracefully and shamefully as the members of the Republican Party and their talking heads in the media, not to mention the idiots in the “Tea Party” movement.

And yet, for all this hate and obstruction, the will of the American people was carried out, and health care has been signed into law. There will no repeal, despite insane barking to the contrary. And the “Waterloo” promised for President Obama shall come to pass, though it is the Republicans who will assume to role of Napoleon. the work of the Democrats must now be to improve this landmark legislation.

Yet, the Republicans will continue to wail, as they continue to recede into the shadows of irrelevancy.

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