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The title of this post may not mean much to many of the people happening across this site, but One Little Victory is a progressive blog with a personal twist that was established in June of 2006 and ran through April of 2009. I abandoned posting to this site since that time for a number of reasons, but have finally resolved to resurrect the site with a new format.

Developing a readership base the first time was hard work. No doubt it will be even more difficult the second time around. But this site, while intended for external readership, is written more for the satisfaction of its contributors, of which I suspect I will still be posting a large majority of the articles. But there will be guest posters over time, on a broad range of topics. To help cultivate a broader readership base, Facebook and Twitter accounts have been added as compliments to the site, so please feel free to add OLV to your followings.

For those new to OLV, this is a current events blog written from the perspective of a secular progressive (yes, those one “those” that Bill O’Reilly has warned you about). Most of the posts will deal with current events and politics, but I also enjoy posting on some of my own personal interests, including music, sports, media, technology, and other areas. I warn you now that I post a pair amount on my favorite teams (Patriots, Red Sox) and favorite bands, movies, etc. I don’t expect anyone to appreciate all of the content here, so pick and choose what you like and then move along.

I will be bringing over just a few of the previous posts from the old site over time… those that I believe are still particularly interesting and/or relevant. These will all be noted as re-posts, with the original publication date attached.

There are those who will ask who I am, and why I am now choosing to write more anonymously. My identity isn’t important to the content of this blog, so I am no longer including it. I have given up trying to believe that people in the professional world will be able to distinguish between my personal and professional worlds and views… people often simply can’t or won’t overcome their own biases in the interests of professionalism, but I refuse to stop writing and somehow relent to this narrow world view.

Other writers… yes, I mentioned other writers. I have several friends and acquaintances that may be interested in posting from time to time, and they will be welcome to do so here. You will find they tend to run a bit more moderate in their thinking than I do. I also welcome readers to contribute, once I have seen some of your work and am convinced that you are not simply seeking to sabotage the work being done on this site. Send me an e-mail with a proposed article or writing sample if you are interested, along with links to anything else you might be involved in.

Finally, commentary is turned on and will generally be unmoderated. This is quite a switch from the old OLV site. I have been convinced by my Web designer that this is the best approach to take, so let’s see how it goes. I will scan comments often, and will delete comments that are: 1) offensive enough that I wouldn’t let my kids read them… please watch your language, and 2) anything that includes my name or identifying information. In the latter case, or if you violate the former often enough, you will be subject to banning. So there is the one warning, which I hope to not have to repeat.

With all of that said, I hope you enjoy your visits to OLV, and find them to be thought provoking and worthwhile, regardless of whether or not you agree with the views expressed here. Happy surfing!

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