Hemorrhoids are extremely annoying, and some may become sore and bleed. How do you treat them?

What are hemorrhoids?

One of the most common and widespread diseases worldwide, and affects people of all ages and gender are known hemorrhoids. Certainly annoying for those who suffer, it is varies or expansions that occur in the veins of the rectum and anus.

HealthCauses and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

While hemorrhoids can be hereditary, the causes are varied: Constipation obstinate, obstruction of the portal vein of the liver caused by diseases in the body, excessive or deficient diet, and too sedentary, among others. The common factor is that hemorrhoids are caused by stagnation of internal veins of the abdomen, lower abdomen or portal vein.

Symptoms that occur with this condition include an abnormal bulging belly, loss of appetite, indigestion, anal itching, bleeding after defecation, constipation, difficulty relaxing, rush of blood to the head that causes heat in the face, and upset.

How to treat hemorrhoids

Given that it is a disease closely related to the digestive system, measures related to food are essential. Here are some:

  • Try to meet a vegetarian diet with plenty of fruits. Plums and figs are the most beneficial.
  • If the cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, you can attack the latter leaving 5 pitted prunes and 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to stand overnight. The next day, you eat them slowly chewing fasting.
  • Drinking pure water and lemon juice.
  • Any physical exercise will help to combat hemorrhoids . 15 minute walk after lunch and dinner are highly recommended.
  • Join in the abdominal area and lower abdomen daily massages at least 5 minutes.
  • Take a couple of baths a day for about 5 minutes, and sure for the same water thoroughly wet the anal area.
  • The application of decoctions of horsetail after defecation and subsequent washing may be helpful. The washing anal region decoctions of warm chamomile also contributes to this end.
  • Every night you can take cover the affected area with a derivative T-shaped napkin
  • Take a steam bath with 2 handfuls of chamomile flowers in three liters of water. Sit in the water for about 15 minutes and receives steam. If you can repeat the bathroom during the day better.
  • Dare to take these natural and easy steps to follow to avoid treating your hemorrhoids with pharmaceutical drugs, except that these are compulsory administration.