Cardio is one of the most common and effective form of exercise that aids in quick weight loss. It increases your metabolism and heart rate which helps keep the weight off. Cardio is simply a form of workout or exercise that increases your heart rate and keeps it elevated for a span of time thereby aiding in weight loss. It is important to know how much cardio you need, how much time you have to spare for the workout and the intensity of your workout. If you are a beginner then you can start with a 20 minute workout a day and then gradually increase the intensity and duration of your work out which should help you reach your intended weight loss goal. Also remember not to overdo your workout, always keep your limits in mind so you don’t end up with any kind of injuries or muscle aches. Remember that your body is unique and it is very important to find a good cardio workout that best suits your body type, find something you enjoy doing so you don’t get bored with it. Here are a few cardio workouts that may interest you:

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

.HIIT sessions are quick workouts for people who do not have much free time to spare.
.You need to spend only 20 minutes a day, minus the warm up and cool down session.

. A 30-40 minute whole body workout done with a Kettlebell.
. Burns more calories than basic isolation workouts like crunches, curls, etc

Circuit training
.A high intensity workout that is basically aerobic exercises with a bit of resistance training.
.The exercises are repeated one after the other with minimal rest periods hence the name circuit training.

Stair training
.Stair exercises help increase cardiovascular stamina and also help tone the lower body.
.A great out of gym cardio training.

.Plyometric or the stretch shortening cycle involves a process where the muscle undergoes a period of rapid lengthening
followed by a short transition time where there is no change in muscle length that in turn enables related muscles to produce
maximum force without necessarily increasing maximum strength.

.Rigorous swimming burns up to 350 calories every 30 minutes.
.An hour a day of this should help you burn almost 400 to 700 calories.

Outdoor cycling
.Compared to indoor static cycling, outdoor cycling does a lot more for your overall fitness levels as it challenges you with
different terrains and difficult routes.
. Helps burn upto 400 calories on an average.
. Helps tone lower limb muscles.

Skipping rope
. Jumping rope is a complete body workout.
. When done at a moderate level for an hour you should be able to burn upto 900 calories.

. An overall body workout.
. You can increase the intensity of this workout by using rough terrains and hilly inclined areas.

. A fun and creative way to burn those calories away.
. A continuous workout of tennis for one hour will help you burn around 600-900 calories of body fat.

. A great recreational activity that keeps you active and helps you sweat.
. Improves muscular fitness and helps maintain a healthy weight.

. A high-tempo aerobic workout mixed with interval training.
. Based on your body type this workout should help you burn up to 400 calories an hour.

Cross Fit
. A complete body high intensity workout that improves muscle strength and helps burn fat fast.

. Improves cardiovascular fitness, works the whole body while hitting the core muscles hard.

. An easy and effective way to improve flexibility, endurance level and cardio-respiratory health.
. Tones muscles while also burns calories.
. An hour’s game should help you burn around 600-900 calories.

Body combat workout
. Body combat is an empowering cardio workout, which is fiercely energetic and is inspired by martial arts.
. A fun cardio fitness workout.

Core Power Yoga
. Core power yoga is performed in a heated room and the postures surround cardiovascular exercises done at a fast pace.
. It strengthens the abdomen and back and tones muscle.
. Improves strength, stamina, endurance and concentration and helps reduce stress.

Belly dancing
. A sexy and fun way to stay in shape.
. Helps improve body posture and aids in weight loss.

Pick a workout that best suits your body type and needs. Make your workout interesting and fun for you so don’t get bored. It is also equally important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow a healthy diet along with a regular workout to help you lose weight and stay fit.


Author Bio:

Annie Bonneville is a Passionate blogger. She works on behalf of ehic renewal. She has been writing contents on the web professionally since 2006. As an avid reader and blogger she shares her experience through articles on Travel, Education, Technology, Parenting and many more.