It is inevitable that there would be renovation pollution in newly decoration house. As time go by, the contaminant in construction material will volatilize continuously. These pollutions are harmful to human’s health.

Method to Deal With Renovation Pollution

Renovation pollution refers to the pollution caused by the hazardous substance contained in decoration material, furniture and construction material. The main renovation pollution includes formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia gas, volatile organic compound and radioactivity radon.

Prevention measures for renovation pollution

There are some measures we can take to prevent pollution: select eco-friendly construction material, correct construction method, and do not put new furniture directly in house. It is better to put new furniture in a spare room with good ventilation to release the hazardous gas.

Method to detect renovation pollution

There are two methods to detect the contaminant:

Smell: formaldehyde and ammonia has pungent smell, therefore home owner can judge the pollution degree by smell. For example, there is light peculiar smell when formaldehyde exceed one times; obvious peculiar smell, nose and throat feel uncomfortable and eye itch after stay more than ten minutes – these prove formaldehyde exceed the secure standard five times; people will tear, cough when formaldehyde exceed standard 20 times.

Formaldehyde detector and formaldehyde self-test box: formaldehyde self-test box is consisted of absorbent, color developing agent, absorption cell, colorimetric card and description. The use method is: close the space one hour; put absorbent in the absorption cell and mix it uniformly; Place the absorption cell in the space thirty minutes; put color developing agent in the absorption cell and wait ten minutes; compare the color of solution in the absorption cell with colorimetric card. Home owner will know the pollution degree.

Plant: home owner can test the content of indoor formaldehyde by observing the indoor green plant. If the leaves of the green plant yellow within a week and it wither gradually, then the content of formaldehyde exceed secure standard two times.

Professional pollution detection mechanism: Home owner can also ask professional pollution detection mechanism to test the contaminant content. After home renovation is finished, opening door and window to have natural ventilation. The test can be processed seven days later. Remember to close door and window one hour before the test.

Methods to Get Rid of Renovation Pollution

After the renovation is finished, home owner should wait two months to release free state toxic and harmful gas by opening door and window. For the continuously released renovation pollution, home owner can have physical method, chemical method and plant method to deal with it.

Physical method: physical method to get rid of renovation pollution is realized by absorbing hazardous gas with activated carbon, silica gel, molecular sieve etc. Anion purification device is also a good method to remove the harmful gas in house.

Chemical method: chemical product like photocatalyst, formaldehyde remover, deodorant can oxidize harmful gas and make chemical changes to the toxic gas and turn it into harmless gas to human.

Plant method: use plant to absorb indoor harmful gas. Plants like chlorophytum comosum, cactus, ivy, sago cycas can absorb and purify indoor harmful gas. They are good helper for removing indoor hazardous gas.

There is another method for getting rid of indoor hazardous gas – professional company that responsible for removing harmful gas.

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