One Little Victory

“…the greatest act can be one little victory…”

Olbermann to Bush: “Shut the hell up”

Posted by Rick on May 14, 2008

Wow. What a commentary. Keith weaves together the Idiot in Chief’s assertion that the election of a Democrat to the White House will lead to another terrorist attack (notwithstanding the fact that the most horrific attack in our history came on his watch) with Dubya’s statement that his sacrifice in this war… to show solidarity with the American people, was to give up golf. And he wasn’t even accurate in that.

Keith hits all the highlights in this commentary, pulling together the lie-based war, the war profiteering, the development of al Qaeda in Iraq, and places it all right where it belongs… on the shoulders of Mr. Bush. Not that it will stick. The man proved long ago that he has no conscience. All of this is a great game to him… to line the pockets of his corporate friends like Halliburton and to push the agenda of the neocons, Mr. Bush will do and say anything. He holds now only to the delusion that some historians won’t brand him simply as “W - Worst President Ever”.

Personally, I have another title I would like to see bestowed on him; convicted war criminal. But for now, he just gets another Momo. And kudos to Keith Olbermann. Mr. Olbermann, you are a true hero and patriot.

Part One (10:00)

Part Two (2:09)

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