Congressional Dems screw up again, use discredited General as spokesman

The Congressional Democrats are definitely on their way to having about as much credibility as George W. Bush.

They cave on domestic surveillance and assist George W. Bush in dismantling our personal liberties.

They give more and more money for a failed and illegal war and occupation.

They give tacit agreement to the Congressional Republicans that they will not bring up the word “impeachment”, requiring them to overlook repeated and continuous criminal offenses by the President and members of his administration.

Hell, they even assisted Bush in polarizing Iran, trusting Bush (that’s right, trusting the war-monger) not to strike.

And now, just to make sure that we know that they can screw up anything, they choose discredited General Sanchez (you remember Abu Ghraib?) as their spokesperson for delivering a rebuttal to the President’s radio address.

Anybody want to tell me that the two-party system has not utterly failed this nation? I can’t decide if we need a revolution or an enema.

The Democrats ‘Fear Up Harsh’
Posted on Nov 27, 2007
By Amy Goodman

Every Saturday, the president of the United States gives a radio address to the nation. It is followed by the Democratic response, usually given by a senator or representative. This past Saturday the Democrats chose retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez to give their response, the same general named in at least three lawsuits in the U.S. and Europe for authorizing torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners in Iraq. This, combined with the Democrats’ endorsement of Attorney General Michael Mukasey despite his unwillingness to label waterboarding as torture, indicates that the Democrats are increasingly aligned with President Bush’s torture policies.

Sanchez headed the U.S. Army’s operations in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004. In September 2003, Sanchez issued a memo authorizing numerous techniques, from “Stress Positions” to the use of “Military Working Dogs” to exploit “Arab fear of dogs” during interrogations. He was in charge when the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison occurred.

Full story here…

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