One Little Victory

“…the greatest act can be one little victory…”

So much to blog, so little time

Posted by Rick on May 22, 2008

Lots going on in the world, and I’ve just had very little time to sit down and write. So I’ll hit some highlights.

McCain ends his love affair with Hagee

So John McCain didn’t have much choice but to retract his acceptance of the Rev. John Hagee’s endorsement. Like he had a choice. A new Hagee video describes Hitler as a “hunter” who was carrying out God’s will in carrying out the Holocaust. WTF? Well John, it only took you a few months, but at least you finally got it right.

And McCain couldn’t even do that with class, feeling the need to bash Barack Obama in the process. Yo McSame… I can understand Obama having a personal relationship with Jeremiah Wright that blew up in his face. It seems a bit more unsavory that the only connection between you and Hagee is that you intentionally sought a political connection with him by kissing up for his endorsement. Who’s judgment is worse, I wonder?

And while we are at it, exactly when is McCain going to recuse himself of the Rev. Rod Parsley’s endorsement. McCain went so far as to call this man a “spiritual guide” while the man advocates for the annihilation of Islam. Classy.

Way to support those troops, John

Well, at least McSame didn’t flip-flop on this issue. Instead, McCain chose not to show up at all.

Today, the Senate voted to expand the GI Bill and improving benefits to troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The last time around, McCain voted against the measure. This time, while many of his Republican colleagues scrambled to get on the right side of the issue. The measure passed 75-22. One of the three Senators not in attendance? That’s right, Senator McSame. We was too busy at two California fundraisers.

You know John, just because you served in the military doesn’t mean that you support the troops. As a matter of fact, your voting record suggests otherwise. Smart vets will know to look at your record before casting a ballot this November. If you can be troubled to continue supporting the war, maybe you might want to consider actually supporting the people who have to fight it.

McCain and Black

One of McSame’s key political aides, Charles Black, has a rather black past it seems. Black has served as a long time lobbyist. His client list though is rather interesting; it includes Jonas Savimbi (UNITA), former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Nigerian Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, and Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre. Basically, it’s the Who’s Who of African and South Asian thugs.

So when McCain promises more of the McSame in the White House, he isn’t kidding.

Joe Conason has written an even more in depth Truthdig article on this topic with even more of the client list.

Turd Blossom gets served

The House Judiciary Committee today issued a subpoena to Karl Rove as part of an investigation into the Department of Justice and politically-motivated prosecutions.

No doubt Turd Blossom will ignore this message from Congress, knowing full well that Congress will need the support of the Justice Department to actually file contempt charges against Rove.

But hey, at least they are trying.

A belated MoMo

This is old news already, but I just have to present a Moron of the Moment Award to former Republican presidential candidate (and possible VP nominee) Mike Huckabee, who last week jammed hi foot into his mouth about as far as he could possible get it.

During a speech, Huckabee heard a crashing sound somehwre backstage and launched into a stupid ass joke that it was Barack Obama, who saw a gun aimed at him and dove for the floor. You can see the video here.

Classy, Mike. I mean, what’s funnier than an assassination joke directed towards a black Presidential candidate. The Golden MoMo was meant for classy moments like this one.

That’s it for now, but I’ve got a good one coming soon… I promise.

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